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Cleaver. A sticky little weed.

It's pretty bleak out there at the moment. The wet, cold fug this January has made me hibernate more than ever before. I do however pop out very quickly and very occasionally for one little wild essential that is both at its peak & is at its most needed right now - I'm talking about Cleavers - you might call it Sticky Weed, Sticky Willy, (snigger) or Goosegrass - I call them Magic. Young Cleavers provide a pretty amazing boost to your system helping to support your lymphatic system - which with all this hibernation is at a low ebb right now.  In January they are tender, not sticky and very tasty. My favorite way to eat them is in...

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You'll have to bear with me...

I'll level with you, I was born in 1976. When I started working we used to fax work, I sat at a dumb terminal (google it) and stared at a black & green screen. I missed being a child of fluent tech by a few years & to be honest I've never really learnt that language.  I am dreadful with anything that has a plug attached to it, or a charger, or a password connected to it. I started a blog a few years ago, and lots of lovely, patient people followed it- then I did something silly with its coding & it got lost in the huge web. So here I am, starting anew.  The good news is I...

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